
October 9, 2023

Ep 139: Our Favorite Movies about Money

Ep 139 Our Favorite Movies About Money Cover

Join Dave and Nick as they discuss a few of their favorite movies about money. Do you have any to add to the list? Drop them in the comments.

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Here is a list of the movies discussed in this episode

  1. Wallstreet – this is what everybody in our generation thought being a stockbroker was all about.
  2. Glengarry Glen Ross – the story about four days in the lives of these guys who are working for a real estate investment firm doing developments
  3. The Big Short – this movie does a really good job of explaining some really complex baloney that was going on at the time with collateralized default options and different mortgage back security structures.
  4. Boiler Room – a kid who dropped out of college and gets a job working as a stockbroker and finds out that the brokerage firm he’s working for is basically scamming people by running what we call a pump-and-dump scheme.
  5. Moneyball – is one of the best investing Allegory movies we’ve ever seen.
  6. Pursuit of Happiness – real-life salesman Chris Gardner lives in San Francisco in 1981 and is selling a medical machine. It’s not going very well. His wife’s very upset with him about his decision to spend their life savings on like 10 of these machines.
  7. Dumb Money – based on the true story of the GameStop stock.

Check out the episode we did on that topic: The Game Stop Problem.

If you have any movies that you think we should throw on the list or that we miss, we’d love to hear about it. Shoot us an email at or hit us up on socials. We’re on Facebook and Instagram so you can find us there.

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Shotwell Rutter Baer is proud to be an independent, fee-only registered investment advisory firm. This means that we are only compensated by our clients for our knowledge and guidance — not from commissions by selling financial products. Our only motivation is to help you achieve financial freedom and peace of mind. By structuring our business this way we believe that many of the conflicts of interest that plague the financial services industry are eliminated. We work for our clients, period.

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