
June 3, 2024

S3E20 – Dealing With Increasing Insurance Rates

S3e20 Cover

Episode Summary

In this episode, we tackle the pressing issue of rising insurance rates with our special guest, Ben Rathbun. Ben is the President and CEO of Rathbun Insurance Agency, an independent agency with over 68 years of history. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to help us understand what’s happening in the insurance market and why rates are going up.

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Key Discussion Points

  • Introduction to Ben Rathbun and the Rathbun Agency
  • Understanding the current insurance market landscape
  • Key factors driving up insurance rates
  • The role of risk management in insurance
  • Practical tips on how to manage and mitigate insurance costs
  • The importance of educating customers about their insurance policies

Guest Speaker

Ben Rathbun

Ben Rathbun is the President and CEO of Rathbun Insurance Agency. With a legacy that spans over six decades, Rathbun Insurance prides itself on being an education-centric company that helps clients understand and manage their insurance needs.

Quotes from the Episode

  1. “Everyone has to buy insurance, but who do people buy insurance from? People they like and people who educate them.”
  2. “We consider ourselves very much an education company that happens to sell insurance.”
  3. “It’s not my job just to sell you a policy. It’s also to help you understand your exposure and how to protect yourself.”

Call to Action

If you’re looking for advice on managing your insurance in these challenging times, don’t miss this episode with Ben Rathbun. Listen now and gain valuable insights on how to protect yourself and your assets.

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