Evaluate Your Portfolio While Markets Are Good

Evaluate Your Portfolio While Markets Are Good

David Shotwell

On August 14, 2015, in his “Intelligent Investor” column for the  Wall Street Journal, Jason Zweig wrote about the need to “Reassess  Your Investments Before the Next Panic.” There is wisdom in his approach: most investors only take action when it is too late. They sell their investments after the damage has been done, and […]

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What Do We Know Now That We Didn't Know Then

What do We Know Now That We Didn’t Know Then?

David Shotwell

This is a common scenario for the markets: The indices are chugging along, making some headway, and posting gains for a few months at a time. There are bits of data and global activities to worry about – a talking head on MSNBC talks about “valuations being extended,” and other talks about the impending rise […]

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Please Stay Seated While The Train Is Moving

Please Stay Seated While the Train is Moving

David Shotwell

On August 6, 2011, Standard & Poor’s downgraded the United States credit rating from AAA to AA+, kicking off a very turbulent week for the markets. I wrote the article below at the end of that week but didn’t have a place to publish it at the time. While the last few days’ volatilities haven’t […]

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Weather & Climate Are Like The Stock Market

Weather & Climate are Like the Stock Market

David Shotwell

Late last month, my wife and I went out to Seattle so I could attend the Financial Planning Association’s annual national conference. We followed the event with three days of hiking in Olympic National Park. Every mid-westerner knows that Seattle is as famous for its rain as Michigan’s Keweenaw region is for its snowfall. Just […]

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