
Financial Planning

Saving When Interest Rates Are Low. Iron bench on dock by lake in the fall

Four Tips for Saving When Interest Rates are Low Play in new window | DownloadDo you have money in savings that could be working better for you somewhere else? Interest rates are low right now. That’s great if you are a borrower, but not so great if you have savings in the bank. With all the economic upheaval […]

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Improving Your Relationship With Money. Beautiful row of trees along a road and a yellow autumn field

Improving Your Relationship With Money Play in new window | DownloadHow would you describe your relationship with money? Money can’t buy you love. It’s as cliché as a cliché can be, and so it is also mostly true. Trying to buy love, or buy happiness, is a fool’s errand. But, as with most things in […]

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Financial Planning Companies. beautiful stone path and doorway with flowers

Types of Financial Planning Companies Play in new window | DownloadThis article and podcast explain the different types of financial planning companies and how they get paid. Choosing a financial planning firm to help you map out your future is not an easy task. There are several types of financial advisors who all charge […]

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MSU Retirement Plan Match Reduction. Old brick wall with lots of purple wisteria flowers covering it

Coping with the MSU Retirement Plan Match Reduction Play in new window | DownloadIn response to the financial uncertainty caused by the Covid pandemic, Michigan State University has reduced salaries and cut the match to employee retirement plans. Previously, the university contributed 10% to employee retirement plans if the employee contributed 5%. The university administration is calling […]

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Michigan State University Salary Cuts. Fall scene with stone cottage, walkway and fence

Dealing with Michigan State University Salary Cuts Play in new window | DownloadAre you affected by the Michigan State University salary cuts? There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world of higher education right now. Universities around the country are trying to figure out what Covid-19 will mean for students and instructors as we head into […]

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