
financial planning

Individual Stocks

Why We Don’t Recommend Individual Stocks Play in new window | DownloadFrequently when we meet people who handle their own investments, they like to talk about individual stocks. I can understand why. Individual stocks have a story that you can wrap your head around, such as Pfizer creating a vaccine for Corona Virus, to borrow […]

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State Of Michigan Health Plan. Michigan woods with path in fall.

Evaluating the State of Michigan Health Plan Options

The State of Michigan is in round two of open enrollment for 2020, and there are some changes in the State of Michigan Health Plan Options that are worth evaluating. Here are our thoughts on how to assess the State of Michigan’s health plans for 2021.  What’s changing?  The significant […]

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Improving Your Relationship With Money. Beautiful row of trees along a road and a yellow autumn field

Improving Your Relationship With Money Play in new window | DownloadHow would you describe your relationship with money? Money can’t buy you love. It’s as cliché as a cliché can be, and so it is also mostly true. Trying to buy love, or buy happiness, is a fool’s errand. But, as with most things in […]

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Michigan State University Salary Cuts. Fall scene with stone cottage, walkway and fence

Dealing with Michigan State University Salary Cuts Play in new window | DownloadAre you affected by the Michigan State University salary cuts? There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world of higher education right now. Universities around the country are trying to figure out what Covid-19 will mean for students and instructors as we head into […]

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What Do We Know Now That We Didn't Know Then

What do We Know Now That We Didn’t Know Then?

This is a common scenario for the markets: The indices are chugging along, making some headway, and posting gains for a few months at a time. There are bits of data and global activities to worry about – a talking head on MSNBC talks about “valuations being extended,” and other […]

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Weather & Climate Are Like The Stock Market

Weather & Climate are Like the Stock Market

Late last month, my wife and I went out to Seattle so I could attend the Financial Planning Association’s annual national conference. We followed the event with three days of hiking in Olympic National Park. Every mid-westerner knows that Seattle is as famous for its rain as Michigan’s Keweenaw region […]

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