
stock market

The Game Stop Problem

The Game Stop Problem Play in new window | DownloadFor the last few days, all the talk in the finance world has centered around a company called Game Stop. We’ve been fielding a lot of questions about what has been going on, and what it means for the economy and the markets. Game […]

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Market Predictions

Prediction Season! Play in new window | DownloadIt’s that time of year: Prediction Season! Along with new year’s resolutions, it’s time for economists and money managers to make market predictions. Some will be gloom and doom, constructing elaborate arguments about how the market is greatly overvalued and about to crash. Others […]

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Individual Stocks

Why We Don’t Recommend Individual Stocks Play in new window | DownloadFrequently when we meet people who handle their own investments, they like to talk about individual stocks. I can understand why. Individual stocks have a story that you can wrap your head around, such as Pfizer creating a vaccine for Corona Virus, to borrow […]

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Saving When Interest Rates Are Low. Iron bench on dock by lake in the fall

Four Tips for Saving When Interest Rates are Low Play in new window | DownloadDo you have money in savings that could be working better for you somewhere else? Interest rates are low right now. That’s great if you are a borrower, but not so great if you have savings in the bank. With all the economic upheaval […]

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2020 Election. Brick and stone outside stairway with iron gate and red flowers

How Will the 2020 Election Affect the Stock Market? Play in new window | DownloadDoes the 2020 election have you thinking about your money? Every four years America goes through a Presidential election. Every four years clients ask where we can move their portfolios to be safe if one side or the other is victorious. This year is no […]

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Evaluate Your Portfolio While Markets Are Good

Evaluate Your Portfolio While Markets Are Good

On August 14, 2015, in his “Intelligent Investor” column for the  Wall Street Journal, Jason Zweig wrote about the need to “Reassess  Your Investments Before the Next Panic.” There is wisdom in his approach: most investors only take action when it is too late. They sell their investments after the […]

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What Do We Know Now That We Didn't Know Then

What do We Know Now That We Didn’t Know Then?

This is a common scenario for the markets: The indices are chugging along, making some headway, and posting gains for a few months at a time. There are bits of data and global activities to worry about – a talking head on MSNBC talks about “valuations being extended,” and other […]

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